
Pole-Dancing Prostitutes Are Destroying an Entire City
Pole-Dancing Prostitutes Are Destroying an Entire City
Pole-Dancing Prostitutes Are Destroying an Entire City
When street sex is your business, sometimes it’s necessary to use certain signs to let your customers know that you are open for business. However, some prostitutes in New Zealand are literally using signs to entice would be Johns’ with their pole-dancing stunts and sexual grindshows.
German Prostitutes Have to Feed a Street-Walking Meter
German Prostitutes Have to Feed a Street-Walking Meter
German Prostitutes Have to Feed a Street-Walking Meter
Prostitution is legal in Germany, and subject to taxation. While the German government doesn’t have a problem collecting taxes from sex workers who operate out of brothels, getting street walkers to pay up has been tricky. The German city of Bonn thinks they have a solution to this problem: a parking-meter like device which women who solicit on the street put $8.70 into nightly for a ticket that g