‘Hello Kitty’ is a fictional character ceated by the Japanese company Sanrio. It’s beloved by millions of little girls and half of Japan.

As of 2003, Sanrio rakes in over $1 billion annually in sales outside of Japan on ‘Hello Kitty’ merchandise. This does not include the money spent on getting the white cat with the red bow tattooed anywhere on the human body. Thousands of women have ‘Hello Kitty’ tats and judgement will be passed on those ladies on a case-by-case basis.

Right now, we’re focusing on the dudes. Yes, men get ‘Hello Kitty’ tattoos. We’ve yet to find a good one, and probably won’t, because we think it’s a pretty awful idea to get a cartoon kitty permanently etched into a guy’s skin.

As proof, we’ve assembled the worst ‘Hello Kitty’ tattoos around (at least the ones posted on the web). These guys said “hello” to Kitty and “goodbye” to getting laid.

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