In the history of Loudwire, one of our most popular features has been the 'Worst Rock Tattoos.' An insane amount of people have visited us to gawk at awful ink jobs and cackle at dozens of unfortunate souls, so we've compiled the 30 Worst Rock Tattoos of All Time into a new video slideshow!

In this menagerie of poor decisions, 30 tattoos are featured along with the funny little captions we gave them at first sight. From 'Goofy Grohl' to 'Dismal Durst' to 'Monstrous Manson,' these tattoos are true abominations. The moral of this story? Research your tattoo artists and your subject matter before you get inked and if you're a man, don't get a tramp stamp.

Check out the 30 Worst Rock Tattoos of All Time in the video above. For our full descriptions of the tattoos peppered with some funny commentary, hit the red button below.

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