One of the things I hate the most is shopping!  I hate everything about it.  But I still try to put a lot of thought and effort into each and every Christmas gift I give.  There is always that one person who gives the worst gifts ever!  Here is a list of the worst gifts to give or get at Christmas.

There is always that one person who no matter how hard they try, they are the worst gift giver ever!  LOL.  I know, I have been that person before.  But I have learned over the years what NOT to buy.  Hopefully this list will help you too.

Nail Clippers/Manicure Sets

While there are cute little gift sets, mostly everybody already has these.  Men's razors fall into this category as well.  At Christmas you should give something that you don't have on a regular basis.

A Star

We have all seen those ads, 'Name a star after someone.'  What are you going to do with a star and how will you be able to keep track of which one is yours?  This is a lame gift. LOL.

A Promotional Item

If the CD says 'Not For Sale' or 'Promotional Use Only' then we know you didn't buy it.  Don't be cheap and lazy.

Gym Memberships

If someone needs to lose weight, they are well aware of it.  Suggesting that they should be in a gym instead of getting a nice gift, would just be salt in the wound.  Unless they ask for it, don't do it!

Fruit Cake

Does this even need an explanation?  Besides my grandma, I have never met anyone that like fruit cake.  I think this was invented to give to someone's enemy.

These are just a few things that should not be given or gotten at Christmas.  A good rule to follow is, "If you wouldn't want to get it, don't give it."

Did I leave anything off the list?

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