Remember the time when former Megadeth drummer Nick Menza nearly cut off his friggin' arm with a saw blade? Well, you're in luck, because Menza is planning to auction off the blood-stained, rusty saw blade that nearly ended his career.

Menza's gruesome altercation with a circular saw blade left doctors, along with Menza himself, unsure if the musician would ever be able to play drums again. Thankfully, due to some surgical steel, Menza recovered and is currently performing with his eponymous project, Menza, along with another current project, Deltanaut.

The bloody saw blade has been immortalized under museum-quality glass along with Menza's original x-ray of his mangled arm. The item also consists of a metal frame, LED lights and an autograph personally signed to the winning bidder. Signed posters replicating the one-of-a-kind item are also available for purchase.

"It's Halloween, dude! I have my book coming out, I'm headlining a new South American tour," begins Menza. "Let's have some fun! This stuff has been on one of the walls in my studio since the accident. I'm starting a new chapter of my life and career, literally, and it's time to move on from some of that stuff in my past, but the saw blade and x-ray are pretty rad!"

The morbid auction will launch on Oct. 25 at 3PM EST at Menzajamz. For more info on the auction, contact Also, Nick Menza's upcoming book 'Megalife: Countdown to Resurrection,' which was penned by J. Marshall Craig, will soon see an official release.

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