Christmas is next week so that means school parties!  I only have one child so I am kind of new to the party scene, lol.  But I have been looking up all kinds of cool stuff on Pintrest. I've been trying them out to see what was easy enough to do and looked cool.  I found a candy cane sleigh that took no time at all.

What I liked about the candy cane sleigh was that you could do a little at a time and then come back and do a little more until you have it all done.  And I found that my son was more that ready to help, so you will have extra hands.  These can be as extravagant as you want.  I chose to keep it simple.

Kiss Fm

Here is what you need:

A Glue Gun

Candy Canes

Full Size Kit Kat Bars

Mini Chocolate Candy Bars-Holiday Packs

Tiny Bows or Ribbon

First you take one Kit Kat and glue two candy canes on for the sleigh runners.  I did this for all the sleighs first, so that the glue could have time to set properly.  Then, you take four of the same mini candy bars and glue them side by side across the kit kat.  Next, you take three of a different kind of candy and glue them on top.  Then, two and then one.  You get the idea.  Finally, you top it off with a cute little bow or ribbon.

Kiss FM
Kiss FM

The final product will be super cute and the all the kids will love them!

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