It's not like we could ever forget about the legendary Zack Morris and his uncanny ability to slow the whole of time for reasons he didn't nearly often enough take advantage of, but it sure does seem like Mark-Paul Gosselaar is popping up quite a bit these days. We already knew both that TNT's 'Franklin & Bash' had been court-appointed for a third season, as well as that the actor would appear on tonight's 'Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23' premiere as himself, but now it seems that the one-time 'Saved By the Bell' star is putting another ABC sitcom under his belt.

Are we witnessing the happy beginnings of a new career on ABC for Mark-Paul Gosselaar? Well, maybe if 'Franklin & Bash' takes a hiatus. For now, Gosselaar is all about the ABC sitcom love, as we've learned from Entertainment Weekly that the actor will appear in the tenth episode of the new season of 'Happy Endings,' set to begin its run tonight. Don't let that slow you down, however, as Mark-Paul Gosselaar will also appear on tonight's 'Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23' premiere, giving sagely advice to James Van Der Beek.

As for 'Happy Endings,' we're told that Gosselaar will appear in the tenth episode of the season playing "Chase," Max's “new mysterious roommate." Both 'Happy Endings' and 'Don't Trust the B' return to ABC tonight with all-new episodes, so let us know if you'll be watching in the comments!

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