
9 Sneaky Things You Won’t Believe Guys Do To Improve Their Looks
9 Sneaky Things You Won’t Believe Guys Do To Improve Their Looks
9 Sneaky Things You Won’t Believe Guys Do To Improve Their Looks
Women may be known as the fairer sex, but men still do their fair share of ridiculous surgeries, tight clothing buying and dimple surgeries in an effort to not look like a four foot tall troll. And while there are some enhancements that are important for medical reasons, there are more that just all about vanity ...
Photoshop Creates an Attractive Woman From a Blank Canvas [VIDEO]
Photoshop Creates an Attractive Woman From a Blank Canvas [VIDEO]
Photoshop Creates an Attractive Woman From a Blank Canvas [VIDEO]
Those who can claim mastery over Photoshop have a lot more skills than most of us might think. They can make celebrities and models look way better than they actually are, and they even have the ability to create people out of blank canvases, literally. Click after the jump and watch how a simple sketch in Photoshop slowly becomes a real-looking woman.