
How to Prepare for a Snowstorm
How to Prepare for a Snowstorm
How to Prepare for a Snowstorm
Here we are in winter and our local meteorologists are expecting quite a bit of snow starting today and lasting through tomorrow.  It looks as if the total expected snow it 6-10 inches.  When we hear anything over 3 inches, we tend to start calling it a snowpocalypse.   Hopefully it won't be anything like it was 2 years ago.  I know I was trapped in my house for 3 days.  So let's prepare for the s
Winter Weather Moves Into Panhandle
Winter Weather Moves Into Panhandle
Winter Weather Moves Into Panhandle
It is no secret that it has been super cold, but get ready because more winter weather is on it's way.  Are we getting snow, ice, or just more cold weather?  I have all the details below.

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