Everyone knows that once you upload a photo that it's out there Forever For Everyone. There are even internet awareness movements to warn people of the things that they post on social media websites.

Recently there was a woman who posted a photo with the popular feminist phrase "This is what a feminist looks like". After the photo was posted, it took zero time for the people of the internet to turn it into a meme that spread like wild fire. This caused a firestorm of support for the woman as well as for the "No Hope For The Human Race" Facebook Page.

Before you post a photo of yourself, your kids, your family, or friends, make sure you think twice or maybe don't post it at all. See the photo and Facebook post in question below.

Here is the response from the "No Hope For The Human Race" Facebook Page transcribed.

Dear Cosmo,

1. The majority of our admins our female. The photo in question was posted by a girl.
2. If they want equality, then they should be happy they got made fun of equally, we make fun of everyone.
3. We are not responsible for the comments of our users. Though we do support their right to an opinion.
4. Feminism is a good movement that is being bastardized by women like her who wage unnecessary wars that have nothing to do with equality. Nothing said in the image we posted involved her weight.
5. I feel bad that the internet made her a meme. It happens. The internet chose her, we didn't. Everybody who upload an image of themselves to the web is at risk of it being over-exploited. It comes with the territory. Maybe the internet should have a warning label before you log on. Nothing about that image violated Facebook's TOS.

You can say something when you are willing to put girls who look like her on the cover of your magazine.


The Asswipe Brigade

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